The embargo issue is multi-faceted. Generally, publisher demands are for limited-period embargos, which in our view are shortsighted and worthy of opposition. However, their stance is at least to some extent understandable, though it certainly attests to a low level of confidence that the publisher adds any value through its contributions and thus seems particularly surprising in the area of humanistic monographs, where there is typically a vast difference between a published monograph and the dissertation upon which the monograph is ultimately based. And there are other sensible reasons for temporary embargoes, notably to allow for patent filings. It is interesting to briefly examine some of the justifications that are raised for very long-term (e.g., duration of copyright) or permanent embargo from public access. These primarily revolve around two concerns. The first one is the protection of exchanges between the author and a publisher (either for reputation in the case of a scholarly publication, or perhaps even for real financial gain in the case of something like a work of fiction or poetry produced for a creative writing program). RLI 270 11 ETDs and Graduate Education: Programs and Prospects ( C O N T I N U E D ) JUNE 2010 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A BIMONTHLY REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC Institutions with Institutions without an ETD Program an ETD Program Somewhat Important Somewhat Important Important Important Concerns by faculty about public access 41% 30% 35% 15% to ETDs limiting future publication opportunities Concerns by students about public access 42% 20% 30% 15% to ETDs limiting future publication opportunities Lack of consensus about embargo policies 35% 8% 40% 5% Concerns about adequate technical support 26% 17% 20% 35% Concerns about additional technical skills 27% 12% 30% 15% needed by students or staff Concerns about potential additional costs 25% 6% 30% 15% to students or institution Concerns about digital preservation 32% 17% 35% 10% General disinterest in change 38% 15% 35% 20% Table 1. Selected results from 2008 survey of US CNI higher education members