148 · Representative Documents: Innovation Grants/Awards
Freedman Fellows Frequently Asked Questions
Kelvin Smith Library: Freedman Center Fellow Program --FAQs
http://library.case.edu/ksl/freedmancenter/specialprograms/fellows/faqs/[12/17/13 1:30:21 PM]
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What do you mean by copyright concerns?
Project proposals must directly address copyright concerns and articulate a plan to identify and secure the appropriate right to use the materials
in your corpus of data in the ways necessary to fulfill the proposed project outcomes. More information on Copyright can be found at
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How may the award be spent?
Awards should be spent to support the expenses related to innovative scholarly or creative projects that meet the Freedman Fellows 2013
criteria. While we are not requiring that a budget accompany your project proposal, a budget will be illustritive of several things: the extent of
planning you have dedicated to your proposed project and the level of thought that has the project has been given a sense that the award
money will be used to carry out the goals of the project and will contribute to its outcome. While no effort will be made on the part of the
Freedman Fellows Program to oversee the award once it has been disbursed, award recipients should be aware that awards taken as salary
will suffer a substantial overhead encumberance, and any use of the funds toward non-project realted activities will undermine the likihood of
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Should I inlcude a budget?
While we are not requiring that a budget accompany your project proposal, a budget will be illustritive of several things: the extent of planning
you have dedicated to your proposed project and the level of thought that has the project has been given a sense that the award money will
be used to carry out the goals of the project and will contribute to its outcome. Budgets can be appended to the project proposal and will not
count against the 3 page length requirement as well, if you are not sure how money will be spent, but have an idea, some statement in the
proposal to that effect will suffice.
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How do I set up an account for my award?
If the award recipient does not have an account to receive funds, or wishes to create a specific account into which funds can be placed, the
recipient will need to speak to a Departmental Assistant or Departmental Accountant for instructions on how to create an account. An award
letter will be provided for this purpose. If the recipient would like the monies to be available for more than one fiscal year, he/she should notify
the person responsible for creating the account in his/her department to ensure that the created account does not expire within one fiscal year.
The recipient may need to fill out a University Review Form.
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Kelvin Smith Library |11055 Euclid Avenue |Cleveland, OH 44106-7151 |216-368-3506
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Freedman Fellows Frequently Asked Questions
Kelvin Smith Library: Freedman Center Fellow Program --FAQs
http://library.case.edu/ksl/freedmancenter/specialprograms/fellows/faqs/[12/17/13 1:30:21 PM]
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What do you mean by copyright concerns?
Project proposals must directly address copyright concerns and articulate a plan to identify and secure the appropriate right to use the materials
in your corpus of data in the ways necessary to fulfill the proposed project outcomes. More information on Copyright can be found at
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How may the award be spent?
Awards should be spent to support the expenses related to innovative scholarly or creative projects that meet the Freedman Fellows 2013
criteria. While we are not requiring that a budget accompany your project proposal, a budget will be illustritive of several things: the extent of
planning you have dedicated to your proposed project and the level of thought that has the project has been given a sense that the award
money will be used to carry out the goals of the project and will contribute to its outcome. While no effort will be made on the part of the
Freedman Fellows Program to oversee the award once it has been disbursed, award recipients should be aware that awards taken as salary
will suffer a substantial overhead encumberance, and any use of the funds toward non-project realted activities will undermine the likihood of
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Should I inlcude a budget?
While we are not requiring that a budget accompany your project proposal, a budget will be illustritive of several things: the extent of planning
you have dedicated to your proposed project and the level of thought that has the project has been given a sense that the award money will
be used to carry out the goals of the project and will contribute to its outcome. Budgets can be appended to the project proposal and will not
count against the 3 page length requirement as well, if you are not sure how money will be spent, but have an idea, some statement in the
proposal to that effect will suffice.
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How do I set up an account for my award?
If the award recipient does not have an account to receive funds, or wishes to create a specific account into which funds can be placed, the
recipient will need to speak to a Departmental Assistant or Departmental Accountant for instructions on how to create an account. An award
letter will be provided for this purpose. If the recipient would like the monies to be available for more than one fiscal year, he/she should notify
the person responsible for creating the account in his/her department to ensure that the created account does not expire within one fiscal year.
The recipient may need to fill out a University Review Form.
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Kelvin Smith Library |11055 Euclid Avenue |Cleveland, OH 44106-7151 |216-368-3506
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