124 · Representative Documents: Strategies to Support Innovation and Research
Strategic Plan 2012–2018 (excerpts)
Mapping to the University Long-Range Plan
Response to Challenges Mapping to Library Themes
Research &Innovation
Learning Spaces:
The Networked University Design and optimize virtual and physical research environments that spur
innovation, nurture intellectual curiosity, and inspire creativity.
Pathways to Interdisciplinary
Transform the Libraries into destinations that enhance research, support
knowledge production, and offer a mixture of spaces, services, tools, and
technologies for diverse research needs.
Research and Curation:
Establish Virginia Tech as the premier institution for e-research infrastructure
that supports data-intensive research across the disciplinary spectrum.
Design and optimize virtual and physical research environments that cross
geographic boundaries, support diverse and interdisciplinary research needs,
spur innovation and inspire creativity.
Support new research and scholarly processes and practices by assisting faculty
in collaborating virtually to produce and share new knowledge.
Provide seamless preservation, dissemination, and discovery strategies for
research data and digital scholarship as part of the digital curation continuum
supported by the Libraries.
Offer data management solutions for researchers to accelerate the
development of important new discoveries.
Teaching, Learning, and Literacies:
Partner with faculty in informatics and digital curation instruction to assist
students in understanding e-research tools and technologies.
Implement an integrated instructional program that fosters competencies in
information literacy, digital fluency, critical and computational thinking,
problem solving, collaboration, and communication skills.
Collections Access:
Make electronic access to scholarship effortless for global users. Provide quick
and easy electronic access to library information, converting analog to digital
whenever possible.
Provide knowledge creation and sharing options that showcase new and
traditional forms of digital research and scholarship.
The Life of the Mind
Learning Spaces:
A New Vision for
Undergraduate General
Design and optimize virtual and physical environments that spur innovation,
nurture intellectual curiosity, and inspire creativity.
Strategic Plan 2012–2018 (excerpts)
Mapping to the University Long-Range Plan
Response to Challenges Mapping to Library Themes
Research &Innovation
Learning Spaces:
The Networked University Design and optimize virtual and physical research environments that spur
innovation, nurture intellectual curiosity, and inspire creativity.
Pathways to Interdisciplinary
Transform the Libraries into destinations that enhance research, support
knowledge production, and offer a mixture of spaces, services, tools, and
technologies for diverse research needs.
Research and Curation:
Establish Virginia Tech as the premier institution for e-research infrastructure
that supports data-intensive research across the disciplinary spectrum.
Design and optimize virtual and physical research environments that cross
geographic boundaries, support diverse and interdisciplinary research needs,
spur innovation and inspire creativity.
Support new research and scholarly processes and practices by assisting faculty
in collaborating virtually to produce and share new knowledge.
Provide seamless preservation, dissemination, and discovery strategies for
research data and digital scholarship as part of the digital curation continuum
supported by the Libraries.
Offer data management solutions for researchers to accelerate the
development of important new discoveries.
Teaching, Learning, and Literacies:
Partner with faculty in informatics and digital curation instruction to assist
students in understanding e-research tools and technologies.
Implement an integrated instructional program that fosters competencies in
information literacy, digital fluency, critical and computational thinking,
problem solving, collaboration, and communication skills.
Collections Access:
Make electronic access to scholarship effortless for global users. Provide quick
and easy electronic access to library information, converting analog to digital
whenever possible.
Provide knowledge creation and sharing options that showcase new and
traditional forms of digital research and scholarship.
The Life of the Mind
Learning Spaces:
A New Vision for
Undergraduate General
Design and optimize virtual and physical environments that spur innovation,
nurture intellectual curiosity, and inspire creativity.