SPEC Kit 339: Innovation and R&D · 107
Strategic Plan, FY 2012–14 (excerpts)
As the University embarks on a new strategic plan, the Library seeks to define the ways in which
it can best contribute to the fulfillment of those goals. In 2011, we substantially completed many
of the goals outlined in our 2008 plan, itself based on the University’s prior strategic plan, the
Highest Order of Excellence. A new strategic plan aligning the Library’s goals with the
University’s new directions was drafted after months of discussion at all levels of the
organization and largely finalized in November 2011.
The Library’s new strategic plan is divided into the four sections that parallel the four sets of
issues articulated in Northwestern’s plan, Northwestern Will --We Will:
Discover Creative Solutions ---we will work together through research and innovation to
create solutions to problems that will improve lives, communities and the world
Integrate learning and experience ---we will integrate student learning with experiences
in the world, beyond the classroom
Connect our community ---we will connect individuals from diverse backgrounds and life
experiences to create a truly inclusive community
Engage with the world ---we will build strategic partnerships locally, nationally and
internationally to heighten our impact for the greater good.
Rather than articulate separate goals, the Library has defined cross-cutting themes that identify
the mechanisms through which we can advance the university’s mission. Those themes are:
A. Distinctive collections
B. Innovative technologies
C. Customized services
D. Transformed space
E. Organizational readiness
The ways we envision using these mechanisms are explained further below.
Advancing the University through Library and Information Services:
The mission of Northwestern University Library is to provide information resources and
services of the highest quality to sustain and enhance the University's teaching, research,
professional, and performance programs. The Library provides a setting conducive to
independent learning and a resource for users both within the Library and throughout the
University and broader scholarly communities. The Library is committed to meeting the
needs of users by taking a leadership role in linking the University to information in a
rapidly changing environment. The Library develops innovative strategies to educate users
and to select, organize, provide access to, and preserve information resources. It forges
effective partnerships outside the Library to connect users with the resources they need.
Strategic Plan, FY 2012–14 (excerpts)
As the University embarks on a new strategic plan, the Library seeks to define the ways in which
it can best contribute to the fulfillment of those goals. In 2011, we substantially completed many
of the goals outlined in our 2008 plan, itself based on the University’s prior strategic plan, the
Highest Order of Excellence. A new strategic plan aligning the Library’s goals with the
University’s new directions was drafted after months of discussion at all levels of the
organization and largely finalized in November 2011.
The Library’s new strategic plan is divided into the four sections that parallel the four sets of
issues articulated in Northwestern’s plan, Northwestern Will --We Will:
Discover Creative Solutions ---we will work together through research and innovation to
create solutions to problems that will improve lives, communities and the world
Integrate learning and experience ---we will integrate student learning with experiences
in the world, beyond the classroom
Connect our community ---we will connect individuals from diverse backgrounds and life
experiences to create a truly inclusive community
Engage with the world ---we will build strategic partnerships locally, nationally and
internationally to heighten our impact for the greater good.
Rather than articulate separate goals, the Library has defined cross-cutting themes that identify
the mechanisms through which we can advance the university’s mission. Those themes are:
A. Distinctive collections
B. Innovative technologies
C. Customized services
D. Transformed space
E. Organizational readiness
The ways we envision using these mechanisms are explained further below.
Advancing the University through Library and Information Services:
The mission of Northwestern University Library is to provide information resources and
services of the highest quality to sustain and enhance the University's teaching, research,
professional, and performance programs. The Library provides a setting conducive to
independent learning and a resource for users both within the Library and throughout the
University and broader scholarly communities. The Library is committed to meeting the
needs of users by taking a leadership role in linking the University to information in a
rapidly changing environment. The Library develops innovative strategies to educate users
and to select, organize, provide access to, and preserve information resources. It forges
effective partnerships outside the Library to connect users with the resources they need.