22 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 291 2017 For early-career librarians, this is an opportunity to connect with new teams, departments, and administration. Contributing to an intrapreneurial project within the library can provide a sense of ownership often lacking in entry-level positions and a platform to demonstrate their value to the organization. Intrapreneurial work also helps early-career librarians develop new skills outside formal professional development opportunities and practice leadership and project management skills that will be useful as their careers progress. Early-career librarians bring fresh eyes to an organization and its opportunities intrapreneurship offers an outlet for their perspective. For mid- or late-career librarians, intrapreneurship offers an opportunity to build capacity in new areas of the field, and emerging or previously unfamiliar areas of the profession. Embarking on an intrapreneurial project outside of their department can be an opportunity to reignite a passion for their work, avoid stagnation, and provide a change of pace. Working with new team members allows experienced librarians an opportunity to mentor and share the knowledge and skills they have developed over many years at their organization. Flat hierarchies may also limit opportunities for established librarians to advance their responsibility level this is a means to address that gap. To the End User Libraries exist to serve communities. Our users trust that we have their best interests and needs in mind. We therefore have a responsibility to ensure we are using our resources—both financial and human—in the most efficient and practical manner possible. This requires us to experiment and assess continually. When new user needs emerge, a culture of intrapreneurship encourages teams to assemble to develop new products or services, or add features to existing products to address the needs. Intrapreneurship’s lightweight nature means that new products or
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