15 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 289 2016 shock, and yet we felt compelled to channel our mental and physical resources toward healing and returning the FSU community to normalcy. And it was certainly surreal to arrive on campus the morning after the midnight shooting. The streets surrounding Strozier Library and Landis Green, iconic landmarks at the center of campus, were clogged with news trucks. Technicians milled around and reporters thrust microphones in front of anyone willing to talk. Neon-yellow crime-scene tape still circled the library. Eyes were drawn to Strozier Library, with plywood covering the shattered front window, and to its front steps, the site of so much violence. As morning dawned, the story was beginning to form. We now knew the identity of the shooter, Myron May. There was every reason to believe that he acted alone, but no one knew why he did what he did. That question would never be fully answered. Classes were canceled for the day. Strozier Library, still the site of an open investigation, remained closed, but other libraries were expected to reopen around noon. Library managers gathered in Dirac Science Library to assess the situation and plan next steps. Few of them had slept more than an hour or two, so due to sleep deprivation and a lack of credible information, it was hard to assess or plan. But in this time of crisis, it was comforting to be together. Communication from University Administration At 5:21 a.m. on Thursday, a statement prepared by campus administrators had been sent to FSU e-mail lists and posted on the FSU homepage: The Florida State University community is extremely saddened by the shootings that took place early this morning at Strozier Library, in the very heart of campus. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of all those who have been affected.
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