RLI 288  27 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC 2016 Monograph Purchasing, Circulation, and Duplication—Micro and Macro Analysis The ability to build a variety of views from a single rich data set allows for meaningful customization. Figure 5 displays a sample dashboard that visualizes data from the ALEPH integrated library system. Individual selectors review current and historical data about monograph purchases, including the number of items purchased, expenditures with circulation status, and duplication within consortial collections. Selectors filter the view by fiscal year and the appropriate order group or budget code. Aggregate and individual title-level detail is available. FIGURE 5. DASHBOARD OF PURCHASING AND CIRCULATION (ALEPH) Broad collection-level analysis is also possible by examining the distribution and use of monographs by Library of Congress classification, school and college allocations, specialized purchasing program performance, or for the collection as a whole (see Figure 6). This data informs conversations and decisions with library staff and campus stakeholders regarding budget allocations and collection development policy.
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