accompany early adoption of a new practice. Senior scholars are also well positioned to create recognition systems that reward all scholars who make valuable contributions via new models. Many new model works employ peer review or other traditional editorial control mechanisms that appear to satisfy their contributors and readers. This contradicts a common misconception that network-based communication modes are inherently incompatible with established peer- review practices. In fact, most new model works are employing entirely familiar mechanisms for quality control. How can new kinds of scholarly works be more effectively recognized and supported? Scholars and researchers can undertake a variety of actions to advance the use of new models. Reviewing departmental, college, and institutional tenure practices and discussing strategies for evaluating and recognizing contributions made to new kinds of scholarly resources is an important step toward communicating broad acceptance of high-quality work, regardless of the format in which it is disseminated. A careful examination of metrics used to infer the quality of research publications should be undertaken to consider alternative indicators that reflect the networked communication environment and the need to recognize high-quality new forms of publication. Journal citation metrics presuppose a restricted focus on journal publishing and, even within that milieu, publications with long track records. Newly available measures, like usage counts, can shed more light on the value of established publications as well as provide opportunities for new venues to demonstrate their mettle early in their lifespan. Campus leaders with responsibility for making promotion and tenure decisions should similarly consider their own criteria and practices for identifying excellence in scholarly contributions and communicate to faculty the broad range of dissemination forms that could fall within renewed criteria. Scholars and researchers can also work with their discipline-based organizations, including scholarly societies, to develop mechanisms RLI 263 22 Strategies for Supporting New Genres of Scholarship ( C O N T I N U E D ) APRIL 2009 RESEARCH LIBRARY ISSUES: A BIMONTHLY REPORT FROM ARL, CNI, AND SPARC
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