112 · Representative Documents: Orientation/Socialization Checklists
University of South Carolina
New Employee Orientation Checklist
First day
S ____Welcome new employee
S ____Take new employee to Libraries Human Resources in the morning so paperwork can be completed and
turned in to the University’s HR. (Schedule ahead with Ann, expect it to take 45-­‐60 minutes). will not be
in VIP until his/her paperwork is entered in the system
LHR _______Get emergency contact information
___Tell employee someone from Benefits Office will contact him/her about a benefits orientation
___Tell staff employee that someone from Professional Development will contact him/her about
attending a University Orientation
___Tell employee attendance at a Sexual Harassment Workshop is mandatory and information to
schedule attendance will be sent
___Tell employee a member of the Libraries Orientation and Retirement Team will contact him/her
about attending a University Libraries orientation.
___Give employee a copy of the Implementation of Variable Work Schedules
___Tell employee it will be about two weeks before he/she can get a CarolinaCard (USC ID). Give
employee the phone number to verify he/she is in the system. Tell employee where to go to get the card
and what ID to take.
___Give employee a benefits overview and go over Information for Employees or Information for
___Send two copies of a staff employee’s position description and tell supervisor when staff employee’s
planning stage is due. Send information needed for planning stage (name, social, job class slot).
___Tell supervisor what information has been sent to the new employee.
S ____Review position description, job duties and responsibilities
S ____Review orientation schedule
S ____Meet co-­‐workers
S ____Tour the library with emphasis on immediate need and “personal” spaces (department members if
dispersed, staff lounge (give the code), staff bathroom (give the code), public bathrooms, Cooper’s
Corner, emergency exit procedures, any likely meeting rooms, library hours)
S ____Any applicable safety issues with equipment or people including safeguarding personal possessions, first-­‐
aid supplies, responding to fire drills
S ____Assign an initial work task (something to be accomplished the first day, the first week)
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