SPEC Kit 334: Research Data Management Services · 99
university units, central administration, or perhaps the government.
62. In the next three years, do you expect your library’s overall allocation of funds for RDM services to
increase, decrease, or stay about the same? N=64
Increase 42 66%
Decrease 1 2%
Stay about the same 21 33%
Please enter any comments you may have on anticipated funding of your RDM services. N=10
Because our archiving service is paid through charges back to the grant, our funding should grow as more and more
researchers archive with us.
It is difficult to talk about the source of funding for future at this time because of uncertainty about senior leadership
positions, e.g., VPR, provost, president.
This is currently unknown.
Very hard to predict though our strategic plan is committed to RDM services.
We are actively involved in securing both federal agency grant-based and endowment funding for increased research
data services in our library. Even if our current efforts are less than successful, we will continue to pursue these routes as
ways of supplementing our library’s limited budget for research data services.
We are currently doing some basic things with resources and tools, but if resources allow will begin to develop real
sustainable services in this area.
We have no specific goals with regard to funding but anticipate the need growing and our resource allocation changing
as well.
We haven’t given this any thought, yet.
We really don’t know what the funding outlook is because it will be determined by the new UL who is starting in
While RDM work is core and continuous with other library curatorial activities, the work can open into a higher ongoing
level of engagement with researchers. This could lead to stronger and broader impacts from all research. This would
also increase overall demands and require more funding overall.
63. Please briefly explain why your library is not providing RDM services. N=2
Little to no demand.
We do not have the resources to introduce new services at this point.
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