56 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
31. Is the primary purpose of the data archive for open access (e.g., unrestricted access for online
users) or controlled access (e.g., admin or researcher approval required before accessing data) or
another purpose? N=39
Archive Purpose IRs with Data
Data Archives
Open access 30 3 33 85%
Controlled access 7 2 9 23%
Another purpose 4 2 6 15%
If another purpose, please briefly describe the conditions for data access and use. N=6
IRs with Data
Archive service for faculty.
Both, as well as programmatic access to data for digital projects, feeds, etc.
The archive is for access and preservation. The two are problematic to decouple within the data curation lifecycle.
We allow both open access and controlled access depending on the needs of the researcher and the nature of the data.
Data Archives
The emphasis would be on sensible access, open or controlled. Proper data management for long-term access and reuse
would be of primary importance.
We accept data according to the data owners’ mandates. The archive itself is dark and not an access tool.
32. For the personnel in your library who currently provide RDM services as all or part of their
responsibilities, please indicate which of the following best describes their organizational
structure. N=53
A committee/group of staff from two or more departments within the library 27 51%
A committee/group of staff from the library and other departments in the institution 9 17%
A single position within the library 8 15%
A single department within the library 6 11%
Other organizational structure 3 6%
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