SPEC Kit 327: Reconfiguring Service Delivery · 69
Example 2: User Participation
29. Did your library involve users in the planning, implementation, and/or assessment of this service
reconfiguration? Please select one answer in each row. N=20
Yes No
Planning 9 11
Implementation 5 15
Assessment 8 12
Respondents 12 15
If you answered “Yes”, please briefly describe the methods that were used to engage users.
Planning Process
Better data was available through Desk Tracker statistics/analysis.
Consultation with the faculty.
Consulted with users.
Discussions with dean and leading faculty.
Faculty of Education executive worked with LCR administration in planning.
One branch library included faculty, staff, and graduate students in a year-long planning process.
Student input at meetings.
The art librarian consulted with the art faculty (high users of the collection).
User groups were consulted during the planning process. Special meetings were set up with affected parties for
communication and input. Presentations and updates were given at standing faculty meetings.
Service Implementation
Consultation with the faculty.
Consulted with users.
Ongoing assessment of the implementation through regular surveys.
Tracking of questions prompted changes in service emphasis.
User feedback on changes as initially rolled out have led to a number of important modifications.
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