SPEC Kit 327: Reconfiguring Service Delivery · 61
The College of Applied Science and the College of Engineering merged. As a result, the library serving the College of
Applied Science was closed and merged into the existing Engineering Library.
The provision of technology services to users was reconfigured with the addition of a separate desk for user technology
services, the consolidation of multi-media machines to the learning commons, and the standardization of computer
desktop “build” to conform to the university’s standard was put into place.
We closed the service desk for the “secured collections” (medium rare materials). The desk had previously been a
“barrier step” for users who wanted access to the medium rare material (art books, books on sensitive subjects, etc.)
Users had to pass by the desk to gain entrance to the collection, and check out and return materials to the desk. The
desk was located with the collection on the 4th floor away from the main circulation desk on the 1st floor. We closed
the secured collections desk and moved the circulation functions to the main circulation desk on the first floor. We have
had many positive comments from students and faculty who say it is much easier to use and that the environment is
more welcoming now.
19. Which of the following factors were significant drivers in the decision to make this service
reconfiguration? Check all that apply. N=21
Change in service philosophy 13 62%
Changes in library staff resources 10 48%
User demands 9 43%
Change to library financial resources 8 38%
Physical change to a building or facility 7 33%
Availability/application of new technology 5 24%
Opportunity for collaboration with a partner outside the library 4 19%
Opportunity for outsourcing service delivery 1 5%
Other factor 7 33%
Please briefly describe the other factor.
Opportunity to bring facility and staff into Library and Cultural Resources Organization.
Two colleges merged into one college.
Trying to get materials to users wherever they are and whenever they need them rather than going through a mediated
library staff person. Newer technology enabled ability to provide articles via email without intervention.
Opportunity to consolidate multiple service points.
Another high-profile unit in the university (VP for Research &Economic Development) was seeking space in which to
expand on central campus, and this particular space was targeted by both that unit and the library as a potentially good
Availability of resources in digital form.
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