SPEC Kit 340: Open Source Software · 51
Kuali OLE [ILS, ERM, Course Reserves]: participate to provide use cases, functional spec teams, testing of releases.
Digital Music Library System, Avalon Media System [streaming media]: provide use cases, feedback on development
priorities, release testing.
Legal advice, business/sustainability
Participation in architecture/design sessions, participation in pilot deployments
Release coordinator, educational efforts
Strategic direction, project management, research &development, grant
Streaming media: bug reporting and testing (Kaltura). Digital preservation: we manage and offer fee-based support to
this project.
Testing, feature requests/requirements development
We have a heavily customized VuFind instance. We share our changes on a publicly accessible source control server, but
we’re not pushing our changes up to mainstream VuFind (our customizations are too local-specific).
We have contributed to community engagement, hosted community meetings, facilitated planning teleconferences, and
advanced the designs, strategic plan, and architecture of these projects.
We have participated in testing the Fedora Commons repository software.
If you selected “Other type of project” above, please briefly describe the project and the
corresponding contribution the library makes. N=15
Archival management system: contributed to support forums/listers
Bibapp: Campus Research Gateway and Expert Finder
Citation Fox is open source software that organizes citations into four broad categories. IL Fox is open source software
that provides users with tools related to information literacy.
Developing a crowd-sourced transcription tool.
Digital Humanities, Digital Scholarship tools
ICS-AtoM Archival records management system: code development, testing, feature requests/requirements
Omeka is an online exhibit building tool that the Libraries are using to support Digital Scholarship in the arts,
humanities, and social sciences.
Scientific data analysis, text mining
Social media viewing/sharing and harvesting for archives: coding, project and community management
SubjectsPlus [research guides, FAQs, staff directory, database A-Z]: primary code development, documentation,
distribution, support. RAMP [used to generate authority records for creators of archival collections (using EAC-CPF) and
then take that structured data and transform it into wiki markup to facilitate the creation or enhancement of Wikipedia
pages for those creators also facilitates examination of names/organizations for quality control, data visualization]:
development, distribution, support.
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