40 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We recently completed a two-part web UX study: one on performance support needs and another on conceptualizing
web space in general.
We undertook a two-year study of how undergraduates do their work. We had a number of sub groups that specifically
looked at services, technology, and facilities.
We were gathering user feedback to proposed plans for the renovation of a particular, subject library.
9. Is the target of the activity any typical library user or a specific category of user (e.g., faculty,
graduate students, etc.)? N=70
Any user 39 56%
A specific category of user 31 44%
If you answered “A specific category of user,” please identify the category.
Educators, primarily, and their students.
Faculty and graduate students.
Faculty and students in the sciences.
Faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students of the Don Wright Faculty of Music.
Faculty, staff, students the project did not include community users.
For the pilot phase, we focused on undergraduate students in humanities. Prior experience using the library was not
Graduate and undergraduate students, teaching assistants and faculty.
Graduate students.
Last year we surveyed graduate and professional students this year we’re surveying undergraduates, and next year we’ll
survey faculty. We’ll continue to survey each population in rotation in a three-year cycle.
LibQUAL+® and MINES® included all users, while other assessment tools targeted faculty (liaison survey), staff
(ClimateQUAL®), and students (instructional assessment).
Primarily undergraduate students.
Social Science graduate students and library users.
Students (undergraduate or graduate).
Students using the newly renovated 2nd floor West Commons area.
The focus is ASU faculty, staff and students.
Undergraduate students.
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