53 SPEC Kit 353: Funding Article Processing Charges
Compact for Open Access Publishing Equity (COPE) Fund
COPE funds cannot :
support reimbursements for placing articles in “hybrid” open-access publishing, such
as subscription-based journals that make some articles available after an author pays
fees, but continue to charge subscriptions and prevent open access to the rest of the
support reimbursements for article processing fees that can otherwise be covered by a
gift or grant from a foundation, institution or agency. In other words, if you have
funding from another source that will cover APCs, you should use that source instead of
requesting COPE funds from Duke, to allow us to conserve the limited COPE funding for
authors who have no other options.
Do I qualify for COPE funds?
The following people qualify for COPE funds:
Duke faculty members
Graduate or professional students
Postdoctoral researchers
In addition:
You must be the author of an article that has been accepted for publication in a
peer-reviewed, open-access journal.
You must attest that the journal complies with eligibility requirements.
You can submit your application for funding at any time, but we cannot reimburse you
until an eligible journal has accepted your article.
Are there any limitations?
Reimbursements will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis up until the
funding for a given year is exhausted.
In an academic year, you can receive a maximum reimbursement of $3,000 for article
processing fees. The maximum reimbursement for any single article is $2,000.
You cannot roll over unused funds to future years.
How are funds divided among multiple authors?
Multiple, eligible Duke authors of a single article are responsible for a prorated portion
of article processing fees.
All eligible authors can be reimbursed, up to the annual cap, for their prorated portion.
How do I apply for COPE funds?
Complete an application.
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