SPEC Kit 313: E-book Collections · 45
Budget for e-Book Collections
17. Is there a specific budget allocation for e-books? N=67
Yes, there is a line in the budget for e-books 8 12%
No, e-book funds are included in one or more other budget lines for one-time purchases 40 60%
No, e-book funds are included in one or more other budget lines for continuations 18 27%
No, we use one-time funds only 1 2%
If yes, are those funds new monies or reallocated from another part of the materials budget? N=7
New monies There are new monies allocated to e-books, but money has also been reallocated from other
Reallocated funds E-books can be bought with standard subject allocations.
Reallocated funds In the early days of e-book collecting, new monies were sometimes available to purchase e-book
collections. Currently, funds are reallocated to purchase e-books.
Reallocated funds Specific funds were created and populated to encourage the purchase of discrete titles so
selectors wouldn’t feel that the print funds was adversely affected.
Reallocated funds We chose to have a separate line in order to better track spending in this area--specifically for
ARL statistics.
Reallocated funds We have a general e-book budget but selectors also use their own budgets to make title-by-title
Reallocated funds
Please enter any additional comments on the allocation or source of funds for e-books at your
One-time Purchases
Answer should be both no, e-book funds are included in one or more other budget lines for one-time purchases and
e-book funds are included in one or more other budget lines for continuations.
Because some e-books have both one-time and ongoing costs associated with purchase and continued access the
budget must accommodate both of these demands, making the e-book like a monograph and a serial.
Both second and third choices above apply, but Survey Monkey will not allow checking more than one choice.
E-book funds are also included in one or more other budget lines for continuations.
E-books are included in both one-time and continuation lines depending on the subscription in some cases or
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