30 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
much smaller number of their print titles from our approval plan for the previous year, we decided that we could get
“more bang for the buck” with the electronic collection.
Highly used title.
If by patron request, or where it would benefit reserve access to have a book electronically. In some disciplines,
notably STM, it is emerging as a default format of choice, not yet in the humanities.
In disciplines where users prefer e-format (i.e., sciences) multi-disciplinary areas that span more than one campus
reference sources.
In many cases an electronic format would be preferred, but often the print is already ordered before we know about
the electronic offering, which leads to duplicate orders. Very frustrating.
In some cases having multiple simultaneous users for 1 book is better than having only 1 copy of the book.
It is often faculty-specific as decentralized faculties and early adopters such as engineering and medicine frequently
have a preference for electronic over print.
It is up to the individual subject librarian, but many choose e-books for heavily used titles, missing titles, and
sometimes for reserve items. Also certain formats such as computer manuals are preferred in e-book format.
Large archival collections, very much preferred for reference material.
Meets reference needs can be used in multiple sites disciplinary preferences perpetual rights trusted archive.
Often reference, and some textbooks. Technical manuals.
On occasion, a title in high demand may be made available in electronic format to allow simultaneous access.
Only if it is the only format available.
Our Engineering librarian stopped buying print versions of books covering software applications e-only is the
preference in those cases. That’s about it.
Patron requester preference access at a distance required or multiple use (to support distance programs or a high
use area) occasionally because the print is already owned, may show very high use, may have multiple holds, etc.
to support STM and/or lower division undergraduates esp. core curriculum subjects (i.e., user profile indicates
adoption of e-book use) searchability is important or even key cover to cover readability less important gain more
with online and lose nothing (e.g., images if included are the same as the print or even better, citation linking, or
other enhancements offered, etc.) likely use is a portion a chapter or a section rather than the entire item or more
for reference.
Reader demand for electronic vs. print.
Reasons vary. If numerous libraries need a copy of a title then electronic is preferred. If a reference title is available
electronically then it is preferred because the electronic format can increase access through key-word searches.
Reference books. Multi-volume sets.
Reference materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.).
Reference materials also we are moving towards a policy of preferring electronic.
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