31 SPEC Kit 352: Collection Assessment
We have an Assessment Librarian, who is often the lead the data collection and analysis. We also
have a Collections Management &Planning unit (1 librarian +1 support staff member) who do a lot of
collections assessment work and who work closely with the Assessment Librarian. Our eResources &
Acquisitions team (1 librarian +6 support staff) collect data for our electronic resources. Assessment of
our digital (locally created) resources is done on an ad hoc basis by librarians in our Digital Programs &
Services unit (4 librarians).
26. Please indicate which of the following best describes the organizational structure for the
personnel who currently have responsibility for analyzing library collection data as all or part of
their job duties. N=40
A committee/group from two or more departments within the library 12 30%
A single position within the library 5 13%
A single department within the library 5 13%
A committee/group from the library and other departments in the institution 1 3%
A committee/group from the library system 1 3%
A committee/group from the library consortium 0 0%
A committee/group from the shared collection partners 0 0%
Other organizational structure 16 40%
27. Please list the position title of the person who is responsible for data analysis and estimate the
percentage of their time spent on these activities in a typical year. N=4
Position title Percentage of time
Acquisition’s Library Associate 100%
Assistant Director for Collection Development and Analysis 15%
Head of Collection Development and Assessment 30%
Library Collections Analyst 90%
Comment N=1
The Library Collections Analyst position also collects statistics on demand for specific projects.
28. Please enter the name of the department that is responsible for data analysis, the number of staff
in the department who do data analysis, and an estimate of the percentage of their time spent on
these activities in a typical year. N=5
Department name Number of staff Percentage of time
Acquisitions and Collection Development 2 90% for one, 50% of another
Assessment &Communications 3
Collections 1 40%
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