SPEC Kit 328: Collaborative Teaching and Learning Tools · 23
If making these tools available for users is in the planning stages, please answer the following questions to the
best of your ability based on plans at this time.
Number of Tools
2. Please indicate how many of each tool your library currently offers or plans to offer. N=61
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev N
Non-interactive whiteboards 2 100 22.87 14.50 23.34 52
Laptops 1 300 59.37 35.50 60.39 38
Video recording devices (e.g., FlipVideo
1 60 13.30 8.00 14.34 37
Touchscreen tablet computers (e.g., iPads) 1 60 12.09 9.50 12.92 32
Audio recording devices 1 48 11.28 6.50 11.48 32
Videoconferencing systems (e.g., Polycom) 1 13 2.94 2.00 3.08 31
Interactive whiteboards (IWBs, e.g., SMART
1 32 4.90 3.00 6.07 30
Classroom/audience response systems (e.g.,
1 1000 120.63 60.00 225.99 24
E-book readers (e.g., Kindle, Nook) 1 64 9.68 5.50 13.68 22
Interactive learning centers (e.g., TouchTables) 1 10 2.54 2.00 2.60 13
Handheld videoconferencing devices (e.g., Dell
Streak, webcams)
2 161 32.45 12.00 46.78 11
Gaming systems (e.g., Wii) 1 14 4.09 3.00 4.18 11
Personal digital assistant 50 1
Please specify any other tool(s) and how many of each are/will be available. N=30
Audio/Video N=27
Lighting equipment 4 institutions, 1 to 10 units
Portable green screen 3 institutions, 1 to 6 units
AMP speaker (50 watts) 2 institutions, 5 units each
Digital camcorder 2 institutions, 3 to 30 units
Midi keyboards 2 institutions, 13 units
Tripod for cameras and camcorders 2 institutions, 10 to 22 units
AMP speaker stand 1 institution, 4 units
M-box mini 1 institution, 3 units
Digital wave recorder (amateur) 1 institution, 25 units
Video editing dubbing station 1 institution, 2 units
Digital audio recorder (professional) 1 institution, 2 units
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