SPEC Kit 328: Collaborative Teaching and Learning Tools · 11
Executive Summary
Collaborative teaching and learning tools include a
variety of hardware used to view, create, and pres-
ent information. This survey specifically focused on
equipment, devices, or systems being offered to re-
search library users in a self-service environment for
individualized, user-initiated, collaborative teaching
and learning. Many of these tools have steep learning
curves, while others are much more intuitive and are
used extensively across research institutions. They
may be located at the libraries or elsewhere at the insti-
tution. While some tools lend themselves to collabora-
tive teaching and learning, others may be associated
with individualized teaching and learning scenarios.
Although many institutions provide loanable technol-
ogy for educational use, there is little documentation
of such programs. The survey provides a snapshot of
what is or will be offered in 63 libraries at 61 of the 126
ARL member institutions.
Equipment Offered
The 13 types of tools addressed in the survey range
from traditional classroom-based resources (e.g.,
whiteboards) to more sophisticated technologies re-
purposed for educational uses (e.g., videoconferencing
systems). Respondents were asked to identify which of
the tools are currently offered at their libraries, which
technologies they are planning to provide, which they
do not plan to provide, and, if the library does not
offer the tool, whether it is available elsewhere at the
institution. The survey also asked how many of each
type of tool is or will be available. Sixty-one of the 63
respondents (97%) currently offer at least one form of
collaborative teaching and learning tools to their users.
Not surprisingly, non-interactive whiteboards are
the most available tools identified in the survey. Fifty-
eight institutions (97%) have or plan to have them
only two libraries have no plans to offer whiteboards.
The number offered ranges from two to 100 per own-
ing institution, with an average of approximately 23
Laptops are the next most commonly available
tool. Forty-one of 62 responding libraries (66%) offer
or plan to offer laptops. These libraries offer about 59
laptops, on average. At least one respondent reported
that while the institution strives to offer emerging
technologies, the laptop loan service continues to be
“one of [the] most popular and appreciated services”
offered by the libraries. In contrast, another respon-
dent noted that they are discontinuing laptop check-
out and are instead encouraging students to bring in
their own. One institution described the transition
from a laptop to netbook loan service as a way to in-
crease the number of units available to users, “given
the lower price of [them].” Touchscreen tablet comput-
ers such as iPads and Android tablets (e.g., Motorola
Xoom) are or will be available at 38 institutions (61%),
with owning libraries offering an average of 12 units.
E-book readers are also offered or will be offered at
24 ARL libraries (39%), with an average of 10 readers
at each library.
Collaborative devices for multimedia production
are widely available. Forty libraries (63%) offer video
recording devices such as the FlipVideo tapeless cam-
corder. These institutions reported supporting an
average of 13 units each. Fifteen libraries (24%) do
not plan to offer these devices, and eight (13%) indi-
cated the equipment is available elsewhere within the
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