SPEC Kit 333: Art &Artifact Management · 33
Rules for Archival Description
The revised Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging—authorities and lexicons
Artifacts Collections
17. Does your library/unit/collection hold artifacts? N=68
Yes 64 94%
No 4 6%
Types of Artifacts Collected
18. Which of the following types of artifacts are represented in your collections? Check all that apply.
Historic photographs 61 97%
Historic objects 53 84%
Material culture 47 75%
Architectural drawings, designs, models 47 75%
Costumes 30 48%
Merchandise 23 37%
Archeological objects 21 33%
Natural history specimens 12 19%
Other type of artifact 16 25%
Please describe the other type of artifact.
Awards, trophies, historical clothing, mementos
Cuneiform tablets, scrolls, manuscripts
Ephemera (postcards, stamps, pins, flyers, advertisements, patent medicine cards, comics)
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