Salary Survey Trends 2012–2013 · 15 this revision process two new categories of specialists—Administrative Specialists (ADMSPEC) and Digital Specialists (DIGITALSPEC)—were added to the ARL Annual Salary Survey 2012–2013. The Functional Specialist category (FSPEC), initially revised in 2004, was further emended to include two new subcategories—ASSESS (Assessment, Management Information Systems and Planning) and CTL (Coordinator, Team Leader (non- supervisory responsibility))—and some of the old FSPEC subcategories were moved to the new ADMSPEC and DIGITALSPEC job categories. For each of the new and/or revised job categories and subcategories, ARL institutions were offered two options: either use one of the new subcategories to describe that position or, if none of the new subcategories could adequately describe that position, use one of the broader job category codes: FSPEC, ADMSPEC, or DIGITALSPEC. As seen in the revised Figure 4, which now includes all positions, 5.1% of all positions are in the new administrative specialist job category and its corresponding subgroups 11.8% of all positions are in the new digital specialist job category and its corresponding subgroups, and 11.1% of all positions are in the revised functional specialist category and its corresponding subgroups. The category that contains the “Administrative Specialists (no subgroup)” job code makes up 2.1% of the dataset, the category that includes “Digital Specialists (no subgroup)” makes up 1.0% of the dataset, and the category that includes “Functional Specialists (no subgroup)” makes up 2.3% of the data set. Archivists comprised the largest percentage of functional specialists who used an alternative code (5.6%), and information technology specialists comprised the largest percentage of digital specialists who used an alternative code (8.9%). Figure 4: Distribution of Job Codes and Sub-Codes by Position and Type of Library, FY 2012–2013 Position Main Medical Law All Positions No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent Director 112 1.3% 112 1.1% Associate Director 335 4.0% 54 6.0% 52 6.9% 441 4.4% Assistant Director 147 1.7% 38 4.2% 50 6.6% 235 2.3% Head, Medical 66 7.3% 66 0.7% Head, Law 76 10.0% 76 0.8% Head, Branch 419 5.0% 23 2.5% 442 4.4% Dept. Head Acquisitions 119 1.4% 24 2.7% 35 4.6% 178 1.8% Cataloging 157 1.9% 11 1.2% 33 4.4% 201 2.0% Circulation 116 1.4% 21 2.3% 31 4.1% 168 1.7% Library Technology 98 1.2% 13 1.4% 5 .7% 116 1.2% Rare Book/Manuscripts/ Special Collections 103 1.2% 8 .9% 3 .4% 114 1.1% Research/Reference/ Information or Learning Commons 133 1.6% 22 2.4% 27 3.6% 182 1.8% Other Department Heads 631 7.5% 58 6.4% 29 3.8% 718 7.1%
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