100 Indicate the number of filled professional positions in each salary range for fiscal years 2005-06 and 2006-07. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Positions Salary Range 2005-06 2006-07 More than 250,000 200,000 - 250,000 175,000 - 199,999 150,000 - 174,999 140,000 - 149,999 130,000 - 139,999 120,000 - 129,999 110,000 - 119,999 100,000 - 109,999 95,000 - 99,999 90,000 - 94,999 85,000 - 89,999 80,000 - 84,999 76,000 - 79,999 74,000 - 75,999 72,000 - 73,999 70,000 - 71,999 68,000 - 69,999 66,000 - 67,999 64,000 - 65,999 62,000 - 63,999 60,000 - 61,999 58,000 - 59,999 56,000 - 57,999 54,000 - 55,999 52,000 - 53,999 50,000 - 51,999 48,000 - 49,999 46,000 - 47,999 44,000 - 45,999 42,000 - 43,999 40,000 - 41,999 38,000 - 39,999 36,000 - 37,999 34,000 - 35,999 32,000 - 33,999 30,000 - 31,999 less than 30,000 Total Number of Positions Please return the completed questionnaire to the ARL Statistics and Measurement Program by September 30, 2006. For assistance, contact Martha Kyrillidou (martha@arl.org) or Mark Young (stats-ra@arl.org), or call (202) 296- 2296.
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